Thursday, December 17, 2009

The young victoria

I was looking at movies that are going to come out this year, and I found this one, only to my dismay, it came out last March, and I can't find a place to rent it at ANYWHERE!!!!! It LOOKS AMAZING!!! Tell me what you think....


Bostan said...

Oh yes this one!! I have heard of this, i think it looks really good. I didn't think it was going to out at all in the U.S, if it does and you see it tell me what you think. Have you seen the other victoria movie, its a bbc mini series. that one was good to.

Lain said...

No, I have not... This trailer just gave me the chills!!!! (In a good way!!!) I want to see it SO bad, I don't think it is really going to come out in the U.S. other than in select theaters, like in NY.... Oh well...

Bostan said...

Wow i will have to check out the trailer. Sounds amazing!!! :)))))

Bostan said...

I really want to see it also! The story of Albert and Victoria is beautiful, she picked him and they truely loved eachother, which is different to how other royal love storys go. When she was queen and they married the thing i thought was cool is that he didn't become king, but a prince. When he died she was i think really torn up about it, tragicly romantic.