Saturday, March 7, 2009


 I am so excited!!!! It is almost spring. Well we will probably get some more snow, but it was 60 degrees today, and I went threw the woods at the back of our house to the creek.  the water was REALLY cold. It was raining earlier today, when we were out in service. We could hardly see out the windshield. I just hope it stays this warm.  I got your letter today. And I mailed yours to. (Sorry it took so long.)  I really liked the story line of your story. Am I aloud to suggest things??? If not I understand. Well Anything new??? When I was down at the creek, I found some bulbs, and took them home and planted them in my garden, I am not sure what they are, so I will have to wait and see. Well, I hope to hear from you soon, and will try to write soon too. Sorry for the shortness of this post, but I am Pioneering this month, and am EXTREMELY tired.

Your faithful Friend,



Bostan said...

no problem its just good to hear from you.
You can sugest anything, i am open to opinions and criticism! Well criticism still stings if its harsh, but i am working on it and bearing with it.
I hope it stays warm for you. It's kind of weird if you think about it, you want the warmth and i want the cold. And i got the cold weather today, it was raining all last night and today. Yea, our grass won't die. But of course if i was out there i would want heat.
Well i love the picture of the pink flower and i hope to hear from you soon but i don't want to rush you because i know your busy.

Lain said...

It is okay. It is funny that we both want opposite weather. It is rainy today, also. My dog Olive, had to put her little rain coat on. I will try to post a picture of that soon. It is SOOOO cute.

Bostan said...

I think animals in clothes are just so cute.

Lain said...

Me too.

Bostan said...

How is Anne Of Avonlea?